Outdoor 2022 Team Activation

Outdoor 2022 Team Activation

TEAM Activation for the 2022 Outdoor Season

Team reps, in order to activate your team for the 2022 outdoor season, please follow these instructions:

1. Go to this link: http://outdoor.kwsc.info/Default.aspx.

2. Select "My Team" at the top of the page.

3. Select "Activate" on the left side panel.

4. Enter the "Activation Code": outdoor2022

5. Complete the mandatory information and hit "Submit".

6.Once you have activated your team, please inform your players to register on line.

****ONLY PLAYERS younger than 18 years of age need to submit signed copies of OSA forms in addition to their online registration with KWSC. Email forms to kwsc.comminications@gmail.com***

7. Team Reps will then be able to accept player. 

8. Each team should have two contacts and complete mandatory information for both team reps. 


If you do not see your team name at activation, please contact kwsc.communications@gmail.com 

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